The LUCAS Graduate Journal
The LUCAS Graduate Journal (LGJ, ISSN 2950-5283) is an annual, peer-reviewed journal, published in Open Access by Leiden University Library. Originally named JLGC (2013-2021, ISSN 2214-191X), it was created as a publication platform for the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. The journal publishes both a selection of the contributions presented at this conference and articles on different topics. In addition, LGJ provides LUCAS-affiliated young researchers with the opportunity to acquire and develop a range of academic skills, including editing, peer reviewing, and digital publishing.
- Author
- Various authors
- Date
- 21 December 2023

The LGJ aims to combine the opportunities and advantages offered by digital publishing with the highest standards of traditional academic publishing. Its production involves rigorous peer reviewing, selection, and editing procedures. The editors seek to publish papers that are innovative, well-researched, and well-written, and reflect on the main thematic approach of LUCAS; the relationship between the arts, visual as well as textual, and society.
LGJ Issues
- Issue 10 (December 2023)
- Issue 9 (December 2021)
- Issue 8 (July 2020)
- Issue 7 (April 2019)
- Issue 6 (February 2018)
- Issue 5 (February 2017)
- Issue 4 (February 2016)
- Issue 3 (February 2015)
- Issue 2 (February 2014)
- Issue 1 (February 2013)
Open Access Statement
The LGJ provides barrier-free access; all content of the Journal is available immediately upon publication. Our policy aligns with Creative Common License CC BY-NC-ND: we welcome all readers to download and share our articles and issues freely, as long as the author and Journal are appropriately credited. LGJ material cannot however be altered or used commercially. For more information on our policy under Creative Commons, read the CC BY-NC-ND license deed.
We only accept and publish papers presented at the conference or in response to calls for papers. Call for papers are announced at the biannual LUCAS Graduate Conference and included in the Journal. The main rule is that the submission cannot be offered or under consideration at another publication while it is being considered by the LGJ editorial board.
The LGJ's style sheet can be found on the right.
Please note that the LGJ does not require any submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).
Reviews and Selection
The published articles will have gone through two internal reviews and at least one round of external double-blind review.
On the basis of the submissions, the series editor and editors in chief do the first internal review. At this stage they can reject unsuitable submissions outright. Submissions then undergo a further internal review by the editorial board. Please note that this review process includes an extensive software-based plagiarism screening.
The editors can either decide to reject an article at this stage or proceed to send it out for an external double-blind peer review. On the basis of the peer review, the editors will decide whether the article is rejected, conditionally accepted, or accepted for publication.
Upon acceptance or conditional acceptance, authors are assigned an editor and are expected to collaborate with him or her.
Editing and current editors
Upon acceptance or conditional acceptance, authors are assigned an editor and are expected to collaborate with them.
Publication and Copyright
All issues of the Journal are published in an Open Access environment supported by Leiden University Libraries.
Beginning with Issue 6 (2018), the LGJ proceeds with a Publishing Agreement (supplied by the Journal before publication) under which authors confirm the Journal's license to publish their original article. Copyright and publishing rights will reside with the authors under this Agreement.
LGJ Issues 1-5 are published in Open Access, with article copyrights transferred by the author to the Journal. Authors are however free to republish their own work as they wish, provided they reference the LGJ as the original source. We never republish without authors’ explicit consent and any money made from such republication would go straight to authors. Past authors can expect the same diligence and publication support from the Journal as future authors; changes were made to our policies to reflect developments in Open Access and our adoption of Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.
For more information on the LUCAS Graduate Journal, please contact Emma Grootveld.