Fifth issue JLGC published
On 27 January 2017 the fifth issue of the Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference, titled 'Breaking the Rules: Artistic Expressions of Transgression', was published.

Edited by PhD researchers from LUCAS (Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society), the peer-reviewed, Open Access journal was launched in 2013 and provides a platform for the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference.
Taking its cue from the last LUCAS Graduate Conference (January 2015) on the theme of ‘Breaking the Rules! Cultural Reflections on Political, Relgious, and Aesthetic Transgressions’ the fifth issue features six articles focusing on artistic expressions contemplating the act of transgression. Featuring not only traditional methods, such as painting, but also relatively recent forms, such as zines and performance art, this set of articles delves afresh into the act of rule-breaking in, and through, the visual arts. Spotlighting mixed artistic media provides the groundwork for this complementary shift in thinking about transgression: as Marshall McLuhan argued in his now-famous expression, “the medium is the message”, the contents of any message spread via a particular medium cannot be analysed without also taking the specifics of that medium into account. In the artistic expressions featured in this issue of the JLGC, the medium might not be the whole message, but it can certainly be argued that the choice of medium heavily influences the effect of any transgression made through art: the conceptualisation, production, and reception of all artworks analysed in the collected articles.
Like the previous issues, this edition was produced entirely by graduate students. The six authors, David Murrieta Flores, Aisling Reid, Beth Hodgett, Timea Andrea Lelik, Rena Bood, and Looi van Kessel all based their articles on the papers they delivered at the 2015 LUCAS Graduate Conference, and were assisted by an editorial board consisting of LUCAS-affiliated PhD candidates. Headed by Series Editor Sara Polak, and Editors-in-Chief Fleur Praal and Karine Laporte, the board consisted of Yves van Damme, Andrea de March, Nynke Feenstra, Renske Janssen, and Elizabeth Mitchell. Various other PhD candidates at LUCAS and abroad served as the Journal’s peer reviewers, and Andrea Reyes Elizondo did the layout.
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference appears annually. It aims to combine the opportunities offered by digital publishing with the best practices in traditional publishing, including a double-blind peer review procedure, rigorous selection and an extensive revision/editing process. The editorial board seeks to publish papers that combine an innovative approach with fresh ideas and sound research, and reflect on LUCAS’ main research theme: the relationship between the arts, visual as well as textual, and society. Preparations for the next issue, to be published on 1 February 2018, will begin shortly.
The fifth issue of the Journal will be available via the Digital Repository of the Leiden University Library, and via the JLGC website. A direct link to the full PDF is provided below. For more information, please contact Sara Polak.
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