Future members of the Committee of Education and Research
On the next meeting of the Committee of Education and Research three new student representatives will be appointed.
Who are we?
Amber Souleymane (Research Master student, University of Groningen, a.j.souleymane@student.rug.nl)
I study Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Groningen. I focus mostly on historical Dutch literature and particularly on the rhetoricians and the expression and appreciation of the passions in literature.
Aline Douma (PhD student, University of Groningen, a.a.douma@rug.nl)
My project revolves around the work of the Middle English poet George Ashby, who wrote a mirror for princes during the Wars of the Roses. I explore how his works both reflect and strive to influence political changes and political discourse in the fifteenth century.
Iris Denis (PhD student, Radboud University Nijmegen, i.denis@let.ru.nl)
My project focusses on anonymous and ‘faulty attributed’ Latin sermons in early medieval sermon collections and manuscripts. More generally, I am interested in the transmission and reception of (late)antique texts throughout the Middle Ages.
What do we want to achieve?
We are the point of contact for ReMA students and PhD candidates within the Research School, and we will represent your concerns. We would like to focus specifically on:
- Evaluating and contributing to the courses. Your input is very important for this! Therefore, we will send you an evaluation form at the end of each course.
- Your thoughts and ideas! We are happy to (help) organize events, such as a masterclass, lecture or excursion.
- Despite the current difficulty in organizing physical meetings – which may last for a while yet – we will do our best to bring medievalists in the Netherlands together, for instance through group activities.