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Medieval Studies' Day (1 ECTS)

Yearly open day for all members of the Research School, including Flemish colleagues. By turns organized by one of the participant universities; sometimes by an associated Flemish university. Usually, the program comprises two keynote lectures around a chosen theme, followed (or preceded) by 10-20 short papers on a variety of subjects, presented in a number of parallel sessions by PhD students and/or tenured staff.

More information

The Research School for Medieval Studies’ Medieval Studies’ Day 2024 will take place on 8 November 2024 at Ghent University. The theme is Pe(s)ts to Parchment, which will bring to the fore perspectives and recent research from ecological and economic history, archaeology, archaeozoology, literary studies, bio-codicology, heraldry and more. The day will consist of a mix of plenary lectures by some of the foremost experts in the field, as well as small-group hands-on workshops to be selected by the participants. 

As is customary, there will also be room for (junior) members of the Research School to present their research. To this end, we welcome 15-minute papers on all topics with a medieval focus. We primarily invite proposals from PhD candidates and early career researchers. NB: these papers need not be connected to the theme of the day.


Dr. S. Meysman (UGent) & Dr. L. Bervoets (UGent)


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