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Presenting Medieval Research (5 ECTS)

This course is designed to aid participants in their preparations for presenting an academic paper at an international congress on Medieval Studies (e.g. the yearly International Medieval Congress at Leeds). It has a two-pronged approach: firstly, the course emphasises the observation of academic papers presented by (international) scholars. During the course, participants are required to attend at least five guest lectures (in real-life or online) and analyse their contents, structure, and oral delivery in brief notes. Secondly, participants are expected to prepare their own papers and present their products to their peers; in a series of meetings with formal instruction and peer review the participants are coached in improving their papers and presentation skills. The course is concluded with a presentation of the paper at the International Medieval Congress at Leeds in July 2022.

Aimed at:

The course is open to research master students in their second year and PhD students.

N.B. Please note that the visit to and presentation at the IMC is an integral part of the course, but the research school cannot cover the costs of registration, accommodation and board, or travel. Please enquire (in time) at your own institution or elsewhere for financial support.


dr. S. Meeder (RU Nijmegen): s.meeder@let.ru.nl 

Course schedule

In addition to a brief introductory meeting in September 2021, the formal meetings will be held in June-July 2022. The precise dates and locations will be decided at a later moment. 

We expect the participants to attend at least five guest lectures of one's choice well before the International Medieval Congress (early July).

Because of the deadline of submission of the sessions at the International Medieval Congress, it is vital that participants interested in this course register for it by 1 September 2021 at the latest.


Email: ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl

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