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Film Club

The Film Club is a ProParte sub-group.


ProParte Film Club


To meet once a month to go to the cinema in the period October to June, and to discuss the film afterwards.


Open for all ProParte members.


None. Members pay for their own cinema tickets.

Contact persons

Marita Danhof

Register as a new member by sending an email to Marita Danhof.

From October to June we go to a film each month. To give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend films, we hold our meetings alternately on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays. We usually choose the early-evening showing and occasionally the one later in the evening or in the afternoon. The ‘film selection committee’ consists of Annelies Boschloo, Frans Cleton and Marita Danhof.

Members receive an invitation by email accompanied by a short description of the film. We usually discuss what everyone thought of the film afterwards, a nice aspect of going to the cinema together. People don’t have to say in advance whether they are going to the film. The last meeting in June traditionally ends with a film and a final dinner.

2023 annual report

The year 2023 was another successful film year. There are 36 names on our mailing list. The films are usually attended by 10 to 15 people. We ended the academic year with a meal at Restaurant Bree 33, next to the cinema, after the film on 6 June. After the summer holiday, we picked up where we left off on 9 October.

The films we attended in 2023 are listed in the table below. The films were shown at Kijkhuis and Trianon in Leiden, and the new filmhouse at Dorpscentrum in Oegstgeest.

11 January
6 February
The Fabelmans
7 March
The worst person in the world
5 April
8 May
Empire of Light
6 June
9 October
Past Lives
7 November
Quo Vadis, Aida
6 December
Das Lehrerzimmer