(Un)gendered brains

(Un)gendered brains with dr. Lara Wierenga and dr. Marieke Bos - a podcast where we reflect on how we study sex and gender differences in mental health in relation to the brain.
Listen to this podcast over at:
Episode 4: Season finale
In this seasons finale Dr. Lara Wierenga and dr. Marieke Bos reflect on their scientific adventure and how they have updated and (un)gendered the...
Episode 3: Research agenda
Dr. Lara Wierenga and dr. Marieke Bos dive into the history of sex and gender research, with professor Liisa Galea from University of Toronto and...
Episode 2: Hospitals and doctors
Dr. Lara Wierenga and dr. Marieke Bos speak with researcher and medical doctor Anna van der Miesen working at VU University Amsterdam and researc...
Episode 1: neuromyths
Dr. Lara Wierenga and dr. Marieke Bos talk to senior researcher Claudia Barth from Oslo University and professor Markus Hausmann from Durham Univ...