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Opening hours

The NVIC library is a public, academic reference library. Entrance is free—no membership needed—and offers access to our book collection and two reading rooms, which have a WiFi connection. It is not possible to borrow books from our library.

Library opening hours, spring 2024

Sunday  9 am - 4 pm
Monday  9 am - 5 pm
Tuesday  9 am - 5 pm
Wednesday  9 am - 5 pm
Thursday  9 am - 4 pm
Friday  Closed
Saturday  Closed


The NVIC library will be closed from Sunday the 16th of June to Thursday the 20th of June. We will reopen on Sunday the 23rd of June.

Library visits

The library is currently open during the above working hours, based on appointment. To request an appointment, please send an email to Tine Lavent (t.lavent@nvic.leidenuniv.nl) mentioning your name and the date and time of your visit. Once your appointment has been confirmed you are welcome to join us. Before entering the building, you will be asked to leave your bag at the security’s lockers.

Here is an overview of the public holidays when the institute (including the library) is closed.

Please consult our Facebook page for any exceptional changes regarding our regular opening hours. 

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