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The Hypnotist

This film will be screened on Sunday, 16 February 2025 at 7:00 pm.

A documentary by Arthur Franck | 2019 | 73 min | Finland | In Finnish with English subtitles

What do Finland's most famous hypnotist and its longest-serving president have in common?
During the Cold War, Olliver Hawk charmed the nation with his hypnosis shows while preaching the power of suggestion. He was willing to risk everything to become a player of political influence on the big stage. Throughout the 1960s and 70s, Olavi Hakasalo (aka Olliver Hawk) charmed and mesmerized the whole nation. He sold out thousands of stage hypnosis shows, ran a successful private practice where he treated people for various behavioural issues, and cultivated a celebrity status for himself. But at home, in his personal life, he was unable to maintain meaningful or loving relationships. His insatiable drive for success and power ended up costing him his family, his friendships, his wealth and ultimately his reputation and credibility. His death left many unanswered questions, even for his closest relatives and co-workers, which remain a mystery to this day. The Hypnotist is a meditation on power, truth and myths, told through the story of the Finland´s own Rasputin, the hypnotist Olliver Hawk.

About the director

Arthur Franck was born in Helsinki in 1980. He earned a Bachelor of Arts and made his first film, Heil Myself!, at the age of 10. After a 15-year hiatus, he fell in love with creative nonfiction filmmaking in 2004 and hasn’t looked back since. The Hypnotist is his third feature film.


Please note that our library has limited seats and we work on a first-come, first-served basis. Our doors open at 6:30 PM and the screening starts at 7:00 PM or earlier in case the space reaches its full capacity. Thank you for understanding and see you on Sunday!

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