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NVIC is one of five Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (Nederlandse Wetenschappelijke Instituten in het Buitenland, NWIB), together with Rome, Athens, Florence, and Saint Petersburg. As such, NVIC is supported by the following universities and research institutes: 

In the Netherlands

In Flanders: 

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of NVIC consists of representatives of the Executive Boards of the participating universities and is supported by a general secretary. The board consists of the following members: 

  • Dr. Ir. M.J. Jonkman (chairman), President of the Executive BoardVU Amsterdam
  • Prof. dr. A. Ottow, President of the Executive Board, Leiden University
  • Prof. dr. J. de Vries, President of the Executive Board, University of Groningen
  • Prof. dr. J. Sanders, President of the Executive Board, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Prof. Dr. E.H. Hooge, President of the Executive Board, University of Amsterdam
  • Prof. dr. A. Pijpers, President of the Executive Board, University of Utrecht
  • Prof. dr. Luc Sels, Rector, University of Leuven
  • Prof. dr. Rik Van de Walle, Rector, Ghent University
  • Prof. dr. Herwig Leirs, Rector, Antwerp University

General secretary
Dr. Edwina Hagen, VU Amsterdam

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