Fatiha Azzarhouni: ‘Even during Covid, Ramadan is about fasting'12 May 2021
Mosques with limited opening hours, fewer family visits and fewer events: for the second time, Ramadan was different due to Covid. Islamologist and de...
Large grant for research into Islamic non-conformism22 April 2021
In the coming years, Asghar Seyed Gohrab receives an advanced European Research Council grant of two and a half million euros to spend on his research...
Bart Barendregt receives Vici grant for research on Artificial Intelligence in Muslim Southeast Asia14 April 2021
Very little is known about the relationship between religion and the digital future. Bart Barendregt, Professor by special appointment Anthropology of...
Anar Ahmadov awarded fellowship at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study29 May 2020
Anar Ahmadov, Assistant Professor of Political Economy at LUC, has been awarded NIAS Individual Fellowship by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced S...
How radical Islam gained a foothold in Indonesia16 September 2019
In recent decades, a more radical Islam has been on the rise in Indonesia, but the government now promotes a moderate form of Islam. In his inaugural ...
Veni grant for Mahmood Kooriadathodi: Can Islam be Matriarchal?29 July 2019
One of the major stereotypes about Islam is that it is very male-dominant and women-oppressive, but is Islam really that patriarchal? Mahmood Kooriada...
Course helps primary-school teachers with Islam-related dilemmas22 July 2019
Primary-school teachers who aren’t Muslim themselves but do have Muslim children in their class sometimes face dilemmas and cultural or religious diff...
Leiden Islam Academy launches online course ‘Islam in de klas’ for teachers20 March 2019
‘Islam in de klas’ is a new course targeting primary school teachers to go online on 18 March by the Leiden Islam Academy (LIA). The online course aim...
Teachers and lecturers broaden their perspective of Islam19 November 2018
Islam can be a difficult or sensitive subject to discuss with pupils, regardless whether they are Muslim. Fourteen secondary-school teachers and unive...
Islam and citizenship in the classroom15 October 2018
Islam has a rich and fascinating history, but if you talk about it in the classroom, all kinds of opinions and emotions come up. 'How do I incorporate...
'Relations with Morocco go much further back than the first migrant workers'04 June 2018
The Netherlands and Morocco: relations between the two countries go back a long way. Assistant professor Nadia Bouras is researching these relations. ...
Paolo Sartori will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar in April 201812 April 2018
Paolo Sartori is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. In Leiden he will deliver one guest ...
LUCIS launches Passion in Profession video series06 February 2018
What inspires scholars who study the history, cultures, religions and languages of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia? LUCIS interviewed s...
Academics and lecturers develop teaching material on Islam21 November 2017
A number of different course curricula were presented at a training conference on ‘Islam in the Class’ op 17 November. The course materials were devel...
Online course for diplomats bridges perceptions between Islamic and Western worlds06 November 2017
Professor Maurits Berger is presenting an online course, starting on 6 November, on the images that Islam and the West hold of one another. The course...