Publication - Bridging Distance: Artistic Research During a Pandemic
Bridging Distance presents the outcome of the Research Group (2020) of the KABK Lectorate Art Theory & Practice.

Participants for the academic year 2020-2021 were Dina Danish (Bachelor Fine Arts), Maya Rasker (PhDArts/ArtScience/lectorate KTP), Ludmila Rodrigues (ArtScience/ Preparatory year), Loek van Vliet (Bachelor Photography). The Research Group was chaired by Janneke Wesseling.
The four projects could hardly have been more different in perspective, medium and artistic and theoritical approach. And that is reflected in the resulting texts.
In a playful and witty text (The Right to Represent versus The Right to be Modern), Dina Danish sets up a partly fictional, partly historical controversy between 'the right to represent' and 'the right to be modern'. In doing so, she contextualizes her own position as an Egyptian woman artist living in The Netherlands.
Loek van Vliet uses the medium of photography to address 'the identity of the landscape' with The Landscape as Maker and Shaper of our Identity. 'Identity' here refers to the recoprocated impact that a landscape has on the human beings living within it.
The melancholic desire that resonates in the title Of Warmth and Solace of Ludmila Souza Rodrigues' contribution can be partly ascribed to the isolation and loneliness that many of us have experienced during the pandemic. She explores both sensory and social realms by reproducing kinetic artworks- i.e. performative spaces and choreographic objects- that are tangible and material, whilst also raising questions about how digital technology may or may not be able to mediate physical separation.
A Classroom Investigation by novelist and researcher Maya Rasker, testifies to her sharp observations of the complex interchanges between teacher and students and how these can be transformed into writing that is as poetic and humorous as it is analytic.
If you would like to receive a copy of Bridging Distance: Artistic Research During a Pandemic, please contact or get your (free) copy at the ACPA office, PJ Veth Building, second floor, room 1.10.
Text from introduction by Janneke Wesseling
Lectorate Art Theory & Practice
The research lectorate Art Theory & Practice (KTP) is situated at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) and is headed by prof. dr. Anke Haarmann. Coordinator: Emily Huurdeman
The lectorate stimulates research in visual art and design. Together with the lectorate Design it constitutes and develops a structural level of research at the KABK. Its task is to stimulate and position artistic practices as research as well as theoretical research. The aims of the lectorate is also to promote the entanglement of theoretical and practical education, and to stimulate students and teachers to engage in research.