Largest European astronomy congress for second time in Leiden
For the second year in a row, the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society will take place online, from 28 June to 2 July 2021. Also this year, the Leiden Observatory is hosting the online event. More than 2250 participants have registered for this conference, a record number.
Because of the corona pandemic, the EAS has decided to hold #EASLeiden2021 again virtually. The conference is the annual astronomy and space science meeting of the European Astronomical Society (EAS). Leading researchers will present their latest work
Public lecture: the future of our planet
On the first day of the meeting, British astronomer Lord Martin Rees (University of Cambridge) will receive the Fritz Zwicky Prize. He will give a public lecture on 1 July at 19:30 (CEST) entitled 'The World in 2050 and Beyond', in which he will talk about how we can avoid a dystopian future. The public lecture will be streamed via the EAS YouTube channel. The lecture is aimed at a broad audience and is accessible to everyone.

1000 scientific presentations
#EASLeiden2021 offers 16 symposia, 33 special sessions and 5 lunch sessions. About 1000 scientific presentations have been accepted, and 1350 ePosters. In addition, there are 8 Plenary Talks, 3 Community Reports and 9 Prize Award Talks and Ceremonies.
The meeting covers a wide range of topics, from astrochemistry, exoplanets, stellar astrophysics and gravitational waves, to data science, diversity & well-being and development & education. Last year, Leonard Burtscher and colleagues calculated that the online edition of EAS2020 emitted 3,000 times less CO2 than the regular version in 2019.
A complete and up-to-date overview of the scientific programme can be found on the official website.