EAS 2020 in Leiden: the largest online astronomy meeting ever
Over 1600 astronomers and space scientists will gather online from 29 June until 3 July for the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society (EAS). The virtual meeting will also host NAC 2020, from 1 July until 3 July: the 75th Conference of the Royal Netherlands Astronomy Society (NAC).
Largest ever
Due to Covid-19, the EAS decided to move #EASLeiden2020 to a virtual meeting, the largest online astronomy conference so far. The conference is the annual professional astronomy and space science meeting of the EAS. Leading researchers will present their latest work. #EASLeiden2020 is hosted by Leiden Observatory.

From exoplanets to gravitational waves
#EASLeiden2020 offers 11 parallel sessions and symposia, and 1 plenary session, every day. With 1600+ participants registered to date and over 800 talks, the meeting covers a wide range of topics, from astrochemistry, exoplanets, galaxies and gravitational waves, to data science, outreach and diversity.
An old acquaintance
The winners of the MERAC prizes for young scientists, the Tycho Brahe medal, and the Lo Woltjer lecture prize will give plenary talks. Former Leiden PhD candidate Jorryt Matthee received the MERAC Prize for his thesis earlier this year.
The main European astronomical research (ESO and ESA) and policy (ASTRONET) organisations, as well as large projects (SKA), will present their activities and discuss their plans.

A special session
On Friday 3 July, there will be a session on the Impact of planned Satellite Constellations on Astronomy, with contributions from SpaceX, ESA and ESO. A special session on Monday 29 June, the opening day, will focus on Astronomy for Future: development, global citizenship & climate action.
A full and up to date schedule of the scientific programme can be found on the official website. The interactive programme can be found here.
Leiden professor Jaap Schaye is in charge of the scientific programming of #EASLeiden2020. Leiden professor Simon Portegies Zwart is Chair of NAC 2020.