Eleven Leiden scientists receive funding for science communication
The KNAW has rewarded 11 Leiden scientists for their commitment to science communication, by awarding them 10,000 euros each from the ‘Appreciated!’ fund.
Although interaction between science and society is of enormous importance, science communication is still far from being recognised as integral to science. The pilot fund ‘Science Communication by Scientists: Appreciated!’ – set up by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and administered by the Academy – takes a step towards showcasing and rewarding the many scientists who have dedicated themselves to science communication.
The 11 ‘appreciated’ Leiden scientists and their outreach-projects:
Peter Burger
Nieuwscheckers: Factchecking as a weapon against disinformation and misinformation in health and politics (in Dutch)
Markus Davidsen
Religious studies in secondary education (in Dutch).
Yvonne Erkens
Database of Business Ethics: facilitating research into, among others, whether multinationals comply with their codes of conduct.
Robert Heinsch
Advancing knowledge about international humanitarian law.
Maikel Kuijpers
New generation, new archaeology: bringing young people in contact with 21st century archaeology (in Dutch).
Jan Melissen
The Hague Diplomacy Platform: the role of diplomacy in international politics.
Pedro Russo
Old Observatory/Oude Sterrewacht: sparking public interest in different aspects of astronomy.
Rebecca Schaefer
Frans Snik
Innovation in citizen science: iSPEX and Citizen Science Lab.
Annelinde Vandenbroucke
#Braintalk: what do you want to know about your brain?
Karin van der Tuin
‘Genetic testing’: the advantages and limitations of DNA testing (in Dutch).
The KNAW has awarded funding to 91 applications submitted by 62 faculties from all the Dutch universities. More information from KNAW.