First Live Webinar for the Bachelor in Public Administration
After ISGA and LUC had been at the forefront with the first live webinars, the Institute of Public Administration followed last Friday with the first live webinar for the Bachelor in Public Administration. While LUC and Security Studies provided an English webinar for both national and international students, this time the Kaltura Live Room was well filled with 75 Dutch students.

The challenge during this webinar was to present a complete picture of not only the Bachelor of Public Administration, but also to pay attention to the specialisations: Policy, Public Administration and Organisation and Economics, Public Administration and Management within an hour. Asisstant Professors Petra van Bekerom (Public Management) and Philippe van Gruisen (Economics) made the link with acutality in their lecture: a governance perspective on the corona crisis. Michel Michaloliakos (Lecturer Institute of Public Administration) moderated the webinar and provided the necessary interaction. The panel further consisted of studentambassadors Bram Spaai and Rafke Jongen, supported by study advisor Tineke Choi.
Prospective students could ask questions via the live chat during the webinar. A selection of these questions was answered during the Q&A; answers to the remaining questions were sent to the participants via a FAQ attachment with a follow-up email.
The live webinar didn't go without a hitch. Halfway through the session, the Kaltura Live Room started to glitch and a number of staff members were disconnected. Because of the intensive use of Kaltura, not only at Leiden University but worldwide, the capacity of Kaltura seems to be at its maximum here and there. Fortunately the webinar could be resumed after a short intermezzo of about two minutes.
Online events
Since the cancellation of the Master Open Day in mid-March, no physical recruitment events have taken place at Leiden University. Experience Days and Student-for-a-day- events have now been replaced by online webinars, virtual college tours and Q&A sessions.
The Bachelor of Public Administration works with complex societal challenges, society is facing in the 21st century. You delve into these complex issues and learn to analyse these, in order to help build solutions to current problems, such as the coronacrisis, refugee policy, climate change, the gap between rich and poor and the Brexit. You choose a specialisation: Policy, Governance and Organisation or Economy, Governance and Management with which you bring focus and depth into the curriculum.