Research Handbook on Cross-border Bank Resolution
This week has seen the publication of the Research Handbook on Cross-border Bank Resolution.
Editors: Prof. Matthias Haentjens and Prof. Bob Wessels
Authors: Prof. Jens-Hinrich Binder, Prof. Andrew Campbell, Mr Armstrong Chen, Prof. Francisco J. Garcimartín Alférez, Mr Shuai Guo, Prof. Matthias Haentjens, Mr Tomoaki Hayashi, Ms Lynette Janssen, Ms Aleaha Jones, Prof. Hideki Kanda, Prof. Matthias Lehmann, Mr João Cunha Marques, Ms Paula Moffatt, Ms Sara Sánchez Fernández, Prof. Michael Anderson Schillig, Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker, Prof. Steven L. Schwarcz, Mr Luigi R.F. Sciusco, Ms Jouke Tegelaar, Mr Frédéric Verhoeven, Prof. Bob Wessels
Since the global financial crisis that started a decade ago, many countries across the globe have witnessed the introduction of new recovery and resolution regimes for banks. This Research Handbook on Cross-Border Bank Resolution analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the current regulatory framework for resolving cross-border bank crises and proposes avenues for improvement.
This Research Handbook includes a broad range of perspectives of the regulatory and economic infrastructure of the banks themselves, third parties, and real life case studies, on both a domestic and, in particular, an international level. Chapters are authored by eminent experts in this field with contributions from the US, EU, Japan and China.

With its comprehensive and rounded analysis of cross-border bank resolution, this wide-ranging Research Handbook may be of value to academics and researchers across the globe. The practical issues and policy recommendations included may also be of benefit for policy makers within the banking sector and bankers and lawyers alike.
This book covers 16 chapters as follows:
- Global Solutions
- Cross-border coordination of bank resolution in the EU: all problems resolved?
- A macro approach to international bank resolution
- Early intervention
- The EU bank resolution rules and national insolvency law
- International insolvency law and EU bank resolution rules
- Corporate Governance of SIFI risk-taking: an international research agenda
- Resolution and contracts
- Resolution and market infrastructures
- Judicial protection in cross-border bank resolution
- Conflict-of-law issues
- Banco Espírito Santo
- Lehman Brothers Treasury
- Cross-border bank resolution in Japan
- An analysis of the development of cross-border crisis management in China’s bankruptcy law and regulations
- Conclusions