Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs hosts PROSEPS conference in The Hague
On Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September the PROSEPS conference took place in The Hague under the auspices of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University. During the two-day meet up, working group meetings and workshops took place in the New Babylon Conference Centre in the heart of the city centre of The Hague.
Approximately 50 universities represent the 28 member countries in the PROSEPS project. From all corners of Europe scholars came to The Hague on this anual meet up. Prof. dr. Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment in Public Affairs at the Institute of Public Administration, was the leading force behind the PROSEPS conference.
PROSEPS stands for Professionalisation and Social Impact of European Political Science. The PROSEPS Project aims to build a broad network of scholars studying internationalization and social impact of political science. The objective of PROSEPS is to develop an innovative assessment of the state and the perspectives of Political Science in Europe.
Multidimensional Focus
The innovative nature of the project lies in its multidimensional focus: moving from the key concept of Professionalisation and Social Impact, the working groups included in the network discuss data and interpretations of the recent transformation of Political Sciences, studying 4 areas:
- The transformation of the academic subject
- The social and media visibility of the subject and its research outcomes
- The impact of reforms on the rates of international mobility and international circulation of research outcomes
- The applicability and application of the products of political science, and the social impact of the work of political scientists.

From Conceptual Model to Empirical Patterns
Timmermans chaired one of the four working groups which focused on the topic 'From Conceptual Model to Empirical Patterns'. The working groups presented the stages of their research that led to the empirical outcomes which were bundled and dissiminated in reports that are shared between the scholars.