Dovilė Rimkutė and Bart Schuurman awarded Veni grant
The Dutch national research organisation NWO has awarded a Veni grant to 21 researchers from Leiden University, two of them are researchers from FGGA: Dovilė Rimkutė and Bart Schuurman.
Risk regulation in Europe: based on science or prompted by reputation?
Dovilė Rimkutė – Assistant Professor Institute of Public Administration
Risk regulation based on scientific evidence is inconsistent: agencies come to conflicting conclusions when assessing social risks. Dovilė Rimkutė introduces the bureaucratic reputation theory as a new explanation for this phenomenon: conflicting conclusions between agencies result from different strategic reactions to reputation threats. In her research Rimkutė uses machine learning algorithms to analyse big data published by various agencies.
Obstacles for terrorism
Bart Schuurman – Assistant Professor Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The majority of radicalized individuals hardly ever become involved in terrorist activities but why is that? This project focusses on this often overlooked question based on unique comparative research amongst both Jihadists and right-wing extremists. The outcomes are explicitly meant to not only contribute to the academic debate but also to the prevention of terrorism and radicalization.
Venis are awarded every year by NWO and together with the Vidi and Vici grants they are part of an innovative research incentive called ‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’. Excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD are eligible for a Veni. NWO selects researchers based on the quality of the researcher, the innovative character of their research, the expected scientific impact of their research proposal and the possibilities for knowledge utilization.