Leiden Team Succeeds in Ian Fletcher Insolvency Law Moot in Singapore
From Friday 29 till Sunday 31 March 2019, the third edition of the Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Law Moot (Moot) was held at the Singapore Management University in Singapore. For the first time, a team from Leiden University took part in this prestigious competition. With success, the team qualified for the oral pleadings, won two prizes and had a unique experience.
The Leiden University team consist of Anastasia Grishkova, Margot Branger and Louis Honée, master and bachelor students. They were supported by Ilya Kokorin, Shuai Guo and Gert-Jan Boon, researchers at the Leiden University. The team was one of the twelve teams worldwide that made it to these final rounds for oral pleading in Singapore. They made it to the quarter finals and won two prizes, one for the ‘Best written submissions’ and Anastasia Grishkova won the prize for ‘Best mooter of the preliminary rounds’.
In their efforts, the Leiden team was kindly supported by De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and the Netherlands Association for Comparative and International Insolvency Law (NACIIL).

About the Moot
The Moot, organized for the third time this year, is named after the UK scholar Ian Fletcher. Professor Fletcher was an eminent scholar, internationally recognized for his outstanding achievements in the field of insolvency law. The Fletcher Moot poses a hypothetical problem on international insolvency law to challenge students' appellate advocacy skills. There is one qualifying written round, followed by oral round finals.
Oral Pleadings
The Leiden students have been committed to the Moot for several months, which turned out to be a valuable learning process. Its journey started in September 2018, when the team was formed and started working on their first written submissions. In December it was announced that the team was selected for the oral pleadings. From this point on, trainings were given and extensive preparations were made for the oral pleadings.

For the team it was a great experience with challenging oral pleadings against opposing teams from Singapore, the United States, Serbia and Canada. The thorough questioning by the different judges (coming from various parts of the world) turned every round into an exciting session.
The organizing committee of the Moot announced that in 2020 a fourth edition will be held, this time in London (UK). Leiden Law School students that are interested to join in 2020 are invited to contact the coaches at: insolventierecht@law.leidenuniv.nl.