Den style pitching competition took place at PLNT in Leiden.
On Wednesday the 31st of October, a Dragon’s Den style pitching competition took place at PLNT in Leiden. Seven teams pitched their business ideas to a panel of potential investors, consisting of experts in the field of entrepreneurial finance (such as a representative from Symbid, one of the first equity based crowdfunding platforms), growth strategies, and so forth. The teams earned their ticket to this pitching competition by proving they were among the best teams in a pre-selection of the course ‘Entrepreneurship & Innovation’.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
This course is offered by the department of Business Studies of Leiden Law School and is open not only to law students, but also to students from other faculties and universities.
The interdisciplinary and diverse nature of the teams significantly added to the quality of the output, which was clearly evidenced by the quality of the business ideas and pitches. Ideas ranged from creating a more pleasant biking experience, to creating a platform to find and rank lawyers, to improving students’ health through the supply of vitamins and other supplements.
The department of business studies and the teachers of the course are very impressed with the quality of the work the students delivered. Despite the fact that the students had only seven weeks to work on their start-up plan, the results were impressive and proved to be viable business ideas that were pitched in a professional and convincing manner.
An impression of the Dragon's Den.
The winner
Of these seven pitches, team Lyssna is the winner! Their idea is geared towards helping students study more efficiently. Lyssna is represented by: Bas Rensen, Rik Edelenbosch, Lilian van Leeuwen and Wessel Nagelgast. Team SUIT was the runner-up, followed by Restorando.
Next year
We welcome all Bachelor students to participate in our course next year and look forward to another round of great pitches.