Hui Wang wins Best Paper Award at BNAIC 2018
Early November the 30th Belgium Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC) was organised in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
For this annual conference for AI specialists in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, researchers are invited to submit papers on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Together with scientists Michael Emmerich and Aske Plaat, PhD-student Hui Wang wrote his first paper "Assessing the Potential of Classical Q-learning in General Game Playing".
Games and transportation systems
At BNAIC 2018 the paper won in the category Best Regular Paper Award, because of its overview of Q-learning, the design of the algorithm and the addition of the Monte Carlo Search. At the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) Hui currently works on a CSC grant on games and transportation systems.