Jeroen Romeijn wins Best Paper Award at ECPR 2018
The Convenors of the Standing Group on Interest Groups and the ECPR 2018 Section Chairs, have announced the winners of the best paper awards.
Best Paper Award
In the category Early Career Scholar, the best paper award goes to Jeroen Romeijn for his paper titled: “Reaching an agreement: Interest group preference attainment during coalition formation negotiations”. In the eyes of the jury, the original perspective of this paper that examines the role of groups after elections, as well as the rigorous analysis and high-quality discussion of the findings, demonstrate high scholarly quality and publication potential.
Jeroen Romeijn
Jeroen Romeijn is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Public Administration of The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague. As a member of the Danish-Dutch GovLis project, his research is mainly focused on the linkage between public opinion and policy outcomes. In other words: does the public get what it wants in democratic systems? More specifically, his work focuses on the ways in which different political parties and government coalitions represent the public.