Ken Meier Professor of Bureaucracy and Democracy at the Institute of Public Administration
The Executive Board of Leiden University has appointed Professor Ken Meier to the Chair of Bureaucracy and Democracy at the Institute of Public Administration. The appointment starts on 1 September for a period of five years.
Ken Meier's research focuses on issues of representativeness, public management and public performance in various layers of government and the public sector in a broad sense, with a special focus on local government and education. With the establishment of this chair, the Institute opens new possibilities for international comparative research on these themes with leading research groups in the United States, the United Kingdom and Denmark.
Chair of Bureaucracy and Democracy
The relationship between democracy and bureaucracy is translated concretely into questions about political-administrative relations, about the extent to which public preferences are translated into policy, and about the participation of citizens in policy-making. Also, research into the management of public organisations and its effect on public performance is linked to this core theme in public administration.
Sandra Groeneveld, Professor of Public Management at the Institute of Public Administration 'We are extremely grateful to Ken Meier for joining our institute. He is a very inspiring scholar with an exceptional track record. It is great that we can further expand our cooperation. '
Ken Meier will participate in education and supervision of master's students and PhD students and in the research programme of the Institute of Public Administration. In particular, he will contribute to the stimulation of international cooperation.
Ken Meier: “I look forward to being involved in working with PhD students at Leiden University and encouraging them to extend Leiden’s reputation for excellent PhD students to countries beyond Europe. I would like to see the faculty at Leiden University play an even larger leadership role in the major international professional associations of our field.”
About Ken Meier
Professor Meier (1950) is a Distinguished Scholar in Residence in the School of Public Affairs at American University, Washington DC. Professor Meier is also professor of public management at the Cardiff University School of Business (Wales). Previously, he held the Charles H. Gregory Chair in Liberal Arts at Texas A & M University.
Professor Meier was editor of leading international journals, such as the American Journal of Political Science (1994-1997) and the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (2000-2015). He was also president of the Public Management Research Association, the Midwest Political Science Association, and the Southwest Political Science Association. For his work, he already received a large number of prizes, nationally and internationally. On September 14 of this year, he will be promoted an honorary doctorate at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Institute of Public Administration
The Public Administration Institute is part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague. The research programme Governance in an interdependent world: Responding to societal challenges and creating public value has been assessed as very good in recent research evaluations. The Institute provides a Dutch-language bachelor's program in Public Administration, a Dutch master's program in Management of the Public Sector and an international Master's program in Public Administration with three specialisations in Economics and Governance, International and European Governance and Public Management and Leadership. In addition, the Institute, in collaboration with other faculties, develops interdisciplinary master programs in the field of governance of societal challenges such as digitisation, healthcare and sustainability.