Child Abuse & Violence Congres ‘Broken 2018’ Aruba
From 23-25 August the Child Abuse & Violence Congres ‘ Broken 2018’ took place. Mariëlle Bruning was one of the keynote speakers and talked about the child’s right to protection against all forms of violence and the implementation of this children’s right in domestic child protection systems.
During the program both opportunities and challenges in preventing child abuse and neglect were explored, with specific attention for child murder. The murder of two young Aruban boys in 2017 by their stepfather was an important incentive for the multidisciplinary conference. Many professionals from the Carribean islands Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire attended the multidisciplinary conference. The minister of Education, Science and Sustainable Development of Aruba, dr. Lampe, and the minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Curacao attended the conference. They expressed their intention to organize a follow-up. They will work on stimulating further knowledge sharing about the prevention of and responses to child abuse & neglect with cooperation between science and practice.