First session of new series of grants matchmaking events well visited
Over 100 participants joined the first grant matchmaking and working session on the call for the Dutch National Research Agenda, on 25 June in the PLNT building. They explored topics ranging from health care to smart cities.
The workshop was organised by the Data Science Research Programme in cooperation with Luris. Attracting such a large number of participants, the sessions clearly met an urgent need to jointly identify the possibilities of the call, the organisers state.
Funding for interdisciplinary research
For long term research funding, 2018 proves to be a promising year for interdisciplinary research. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will fund collaborative research in the NWO NWA-ORC call: the National Science Agenda for broad-based multidisciplinary consortia. The Data Science Research Programme, multidisciplinary and connecting par excellence by its university wide programme, anticipated this by initiating a new series of grant matchmaking events. These events are focused on proposals for collaborative research by achieving cross-fertilisation between scientific disciplines, in particular by involving Data Science.
At the first meeting, the attendees could choose between 16 small working groups, divided in two sessions according their interest. Each group was chaired by a domain expert. In addition attendees could talk to advisors of LURIS for one-on-one advice.
Variety within Leiden University
With groups focusing on diverse topics from Health care to Quantum to Smart cities the event showed the variety the university offers, with a common recognition of the added value of interdisciplinary collaboration. The programme provided plenty of possibilities for networking; many new connections were made, also within faculties.
More sessions
The Data Science Research Programme intends to organize more working sessions on demand, and tailored for specific calls that are of interest for Data Science. If you want to stay informed, please let us know by sending an e-mail to Roos van de Voordt.
The Data Science Research Programme (DSRP) is a university wide programme, which aims to advance the state of the art in interdisciplinary Data Science research and to accelerate the use of Data Science methods at all faculties of Leiden University.
Luris is the Knowledge Exchange of Leiden University and LUMC. The Grant Development team of Luris helps researchers with identifying suitable funding opportunities and preparing competitive proposals.