Research project
Making big data meaningful for a promising start
All children deserve a promising start. Most children are doing fine. But some need extra support, because of problems during pregnancy or because they grow up in disadvantaged circumstances, e.g. due to poverty, parental addictions or psychological problems.
- Contact
- Wessel Kraaij
- Funding
- NWO - Nationale Wetenschapsagenda
- Ministerie van VWS
- Partners
Erasmus MC, LIACS, LAW, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, Stichting Enver and William Schrikker Stichting.
This project is linked to the university incentive programme Population Health Living Lab (LUMC, FGGA , FSW, FWN) and the RIVM (dr. Jeroen Struijs).

This start lag may have lifelong consequences. The researchers will investigate how relevant datasets, for example from Statistics Netherlands (CBS), can be used to support these children and (expectant) parents. By ensuring more timely referral to services that meet their needs. And by tailoring municipal polities to the needs of vulnerable children and (expectant) parents. The researchers will collaborate with parents, practitioners and municipalities to ensure our research meets their priorities.
The contribution of LIACS starts with defining the boundary conditions for the use of big data analysis in co-creation with all stakeholders. Subsequently a cohort dataset concerning the first 1000 days will be analyzed to find relevant predictors (risk and protective variables) for negative health outcomes. This analysis will be used to fine tune an existing screening tool as well as inform municipal policies regarding youth care.
The project is led by Dr Tanja Houweling in collaboration with Dr M.P. Lambregtse-van den Berg from Erasmus MC and Prof. Wessel Kraaij from LIACS. From Leiden, data scientist Dr. Anton Schreuder (LIACS) and Prof. Simone van der Hof (LAW) are also involved. NWO is funding this project from the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda with support from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, within the framework of the Kansrijke Start programme.