Alexandre Afonso wins a NWO Vidi
Nine talented Leiden University researchers have been awarded a Vidi subsidy by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Faculty of Governance and Global affairs is represented by Alexandre Afonso from the Institute of Public Administration and his Vidi- subsidy win for his research 'Big Welfare States, Closed Borders?'.
Big Welfare States, Closed Borders?
In Afonso’s research the relationship between the evolution of welfare states and labour migration policies in Western Europe is analysed and assessed whether there is a trade- off between social protection and openness to immigration, comparing different European countries over a long time period.
Vidis are intended for researchers with several years or research experience who want to set up or expand their own line of research. A total of 571 researchers submitted a research project to the NOW. Of these, 86 applications were honoured. NWO selects researchers based on the quality of the researchers, the innovative character of the proposed research, the expected scientific impact of the proposal and opportunities for knowledge utilization.