G20 leaders please promote regional cooperation in the implementation of international standards, including BEPS
Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama, principal investigator of the ERC GLOBTAXGOV project and Associate Professor of Tax Law has participated in the T20 task force on Trade, Investment and Tax Cooperation under the Argentinian Presidency. As a member of the task force, she has contributed to the policy brief on tax competition to be submitted to the G20 Leaders including the G20 Ministers of Finance.

For the research project GLOBTAXGOV that aims to investigate international tax law making by the OECD, G20 and EU, this task force was a good opportunity to explore ideas of tax competition and global tax governance.
Therefore, in the policy brief on tax competition we “ask the G20 leaders to promote regional cooperation in the implementation of international standards, including BEPS. The G20 should facilitate the creation of regional (or, for that matter, sub-regional) peer review and consultancy mechanisms that would allow countries to set and revise their own goals and targets for implementation, getting regular feedback from neighboring countries”.
The full text of the policy brief is available online and also in the blog GLOBTAXGOV G20 Policy brief Tax Competition.