Luana Colloca is coming to Leiden as a KNAW visiting professor in health psychology
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has granted health psychologist Andrea Evers a visiting professorship funding for Luana Colloca. This funding is linked to the KNAW’s Visiting Professors Programme which enables outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands. The programme acts as an incentive for Dutch science and scholarship.

Luana Colloca from the department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine - University of Maryland is a wordleading expert on learning and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying human pain modulation and the ethical and translational aspects of placebo and nocebo effects. She has established an unique program of research on human pain modulation and placebo and nocebo effects from both a mechanistic and translational viewpoint.
Research, master's classes and events
At the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology unit of Leiden University, Luana will be involved in research projects and master classes for master and PhD students as well as events for the general public.
21 June: symposium with a focus on placebo effects
On Thursday 21 June 2018 at Boerhaave Museum in Leiden there will be an official start symposium of her visiting professorship with a focus on placebo effects and its consequences for clinical practice.
In 2017 Luana Collaca visited Leiden to give a lecture. Read more on The nocebo effect: How expectations can make you sick