Research project
EuDEco (Modelling the European Data Economy) is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.
- Duration
- 2015 - 2019
- Contact
- Bart Custers

EuDEco assists the European science and industry in understanding and exploiting the potentials of data reuse in the context of Big data and open data. The aim is to establish a self-sustaining data market and thereby increase the competitiveness of Europe. To be able to extract the benefits of data reuse, it is crucial to know how to understand the underlying economic, societal, legal, and technological framework conditions and challenges to build useful applications and services.
EuDEco will accomplish this by leveraging the engagement of other projects conducting pilots on data reuse as well as by the engagement of external experts and stakeholders.