First ILS-seminar of the academic year
On Thursday 21 September the first monthly ILS lunch of the academic year took place. Prof. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk, from the Department for Criminal Law and Criminology, presented her research on “The Exercise of EU Criminalisation Powers after Lisbon”, showing an insight in the motives behind the harmonization of criminal laws in the European Union.

Researcher Magdalena Jozwiak presented the e-SIDES project on the ethical and societal impact of data science, which is financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. Her presentation explained the different challenges the use of big data uses, emphasizing once more the importance of interdisciplinary research.
The ILS-lunches are slowly becoming a tradition, allowing the academic staff of our Law School to get to know each other in an informal setting and inform each other of ongoing research. The next ILS-lunch seminar will take place on 19 October from 12:00-13:00 (KOG, B0.20). It will feature Prof. Egbert Koops on the position of Roman women under the Augustan family laws” and Max van Lent on Recognition and Teacher Performance.