Politics and International Relations at Leiden score highly in THE World University Rankings
Leiden University continues to do well in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. For the subject area Politics and International Relations, the 2018 edition ranks Leiden 67th in the world.
This is not that far behind the ‘usual suspects’ (Cambridge, Stanford, MIT and the like). Among the institutions in continental Europe, Political Science in Leiden holds the 8th spot in the the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.
Leiden’s 2018 score is consistent with previous THE evaluations. The 2017 (77th), 2016 (67th), and 2015 (64th) editions also held Politics, International Relations and Development studies at Leiden in high regard, positioning it among Europe’s very best.
Political Science, Public Administration and Humanities
The Institute of Political Science is not Leiden University’s only department covering this subject area. The THE ranking also takes into account research and teaching done at the Institute of Public Administration, as well as in the Faculty of Humanities.
Times Higher Education World University Rankings, published annually, evaluates research-intensive universities on several dimensions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. It uses 13 performance indicators, ranging from citation impact and reputational surveys on research and teaching to student-staff ratio and ‘academic earning power’.
THE is considered as one of the most widely observed university measures together with QS World University Rankings. In that ranking, Political Science at Leiden University got a similarly positive evaluation.
See also
› THE overall 2018 universities ranking Politics and International Studies