Esmee Braam new assessor faculty board
On September 1 2017, Marlou Grobben ends her term as assessor of the faculty board of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. After a two- year period, having represented the student- interests within the faculty board, the position is transferred to Esmee Braam.
A talk with both ladies
We give both ladies the opportunity to review their thoughts on the position as assessor. Furthermore, how did Marlou experience the last two years and what are her plans for the upcoming years?
A two-year review
Marlou: ‘‘As an assessor you must regularly explain what your role is. It is your job to represent the student perspective within the faculty board. Within the board you work with the dean, vice- dean and manager of operations. Additionally, you work closely with student associations, assessors from other faculties and occasionally you meet with the executive board. In addition to the ongoing day-to-day activities at the faculty, you also work on your own projects. When I started as an assessor , I felt that the University could do more to strengthen student participation. Together with another student assessor I developed an online course for the members of several programme- committees. This course was followed by more than 100 members of the programme- committees this year and will be reviewed and improved this summer to make it even better!
Another important theme for me was job market orientation. Last April, we organized a beautiful, faculty-wide career event that was received very positively. Thus, I recommend Esmee to set her own goals and create her own projects to work on, next to the already ongoing activities.
So what will Marlou do now? “Something very different! I will try to finish my studies (ed. Marlou is doing a Master’s degree in Public Administration and a Master’s degree in Dutch Language) and find a job in the food service industry. I have always been interested in gastronomy and I would like to explore this in further depth.”

A new face
Esmee: “I am currently a third year’s student of Public Administration and hope to complete my bachelor next year. As chair of B.I.L. I have been working together with Marlou frequently last year. I always found this cooperation enjoyable and interesting, so that year also piqued my interest in the workings of the faculty.
How am I looking forward to my new position as assessor? In the next year, I hope to be able to be of importance for the students of the faculty. I think our faculty is dynamic and continuously changing. As the only faculty that is fully located in The Hague and with the new Bachelor’s degree, the next year will offer many new opportunities, but also some obstacles. I would like to support the faculty to keep offering a pleasant learning environment in which students can develop themselves in different aspects. Either way, I am really looking forward to get started in September.”