Prof. Jaap van den Herik successfully delivers 75th PhD
On June 27th, eLaw PhD candidate Mr. Daniel Dimov successfully defended his PhD thesis. This was not only a very special event for the candidate, but also for one of his supervisors, prof. dr. Jaap van den Herik, professor of computer science and law at both the Faculty of Law (at eLaw, the Centre for law and digital technologies) and the Faculty of Science (where he chairs the board of directors of the Leiden Centre of Data Science).

This PhD defence was a very special day for professor Van den Herik, because dr. Dimov is the 75th PhD candidate that he successfully supervised. During his career professor Van den Herik has supervised PhD candidates at several Dutch Universities. eLaw congratulates professor Van den Herik with this milestone and thanks him for his efforts and hard work. 75 successful PhDs can be considered a lifetime achievement.