Research project
HEPGAME is a research project that combines the world’s fastest computer algebra system for High Energy Physics equations, FORM, with insights from artificial intelligence. The name combines High Energy Physics and Games.
- Duration
- 2013 - 2018
- Contact
- Jaap van den Herik

If there is one thing that finding the Higgs has proven, it is that experiments are getting better and better. As the precision of High Energy Physics experiments increases, theory has to keep up. The precision of predictions from High Energy Physics equations has to improve. This typically involves large and complicated problem sets. FORM is a computer algebra system designed for high performance, able to solve very large physics systems, taking over some of the tedious manual labor of manipulating expressions by solving them automatically. The goal of HEPGAME is to improve the performance of FORM in a substantial way, by taking advantage of recent findings in game playing algorithms.
HEPGAME is a joint project of Leiden University and Nikhef (National Institute for Subatomic Physics). The project is led by Nikhef’s Jos Vermaseren, creator of the FORM Computer Algebra System. The artificial intelligence part of HEPGAME is brought in by Jaap van den Herik and Aske Plaat, who have a background in combinatorial game playing algorithms.