Universiteit Leiden

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Alanna O'Malley and Adriaan van Veldhuizen win the Carla Musterd Award for Teaching 2016

At the Institute’s Council meeting of last December the Institute’s biannual prize for teaching was awarded. The award is named after Carla Musterd, a former, highly valued, member of staff, who was famous for her unflinching dedication to teaching standards and excellence.

Every two years one of the teachers of our Institute is awarded the Carla Musterd Award for education. The education Committees of the different programmes attached to the Institute for History are consulted to select nominees and the management choose from those who will win the prize. In recent years the prize was awarded to some of the great teachers of our Institute, among whom Geert Janssen, Robert Stein, Henk Kern, Catia Antunes and Jan Oster.

This year two teachers won the prize.

Alanna O'Malley is mainly teaching in the MA International Relations, specialised in the history of the United Nations, decolonization in Africa, Congo and the Cold War. According to the chair of education of the masters programme "her teaching stands out due to the quality and clarity of her lectures, her passion and deep knowledge on international history and the United Nations and the accuracy of her written feedback to students' assignments and theses".

Adriaan van Veldhuizen is teaching in both the MA and BA History and is specialised in Historical Theory. He has greatly contributed to teaching the first year course Introduction to Historical Sciences, a notoriously difficult course to teach. Students praised his teaching: "The teacher is king, even if the subject isn't going for him".

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