Leiden strengthens collaboration with two Chinese universities
Leiden University is working increasingly closely with Chinese universities. On 22 November the Rector signed a statement of intent to ratify the relationship with Xi’an Jiaotong University. Shanghai International Studies University is to include Leiden University as a strategic partner institution.
Rector Carel Stolker and Vice-Rector Hester Bijl received delegations from the two universities in Leiden. Both universities already have links with Leiden faculties, but following a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Xi’an Jiaotong University this collaboration will in future be university-wide.
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an Jiaotong (XJTU) University is one of China's so-called ‘C9 universities’. This means that the university in Xi’an – in the heart of China – is one of the nine top Chinese knowledge institutions. On 22 November, President Shuguo Wang signed a statement of intent with Leiden University. XJTU is already well known within the Science Faculty, where several Leiden scientists have been working with XJTU for some time. During the visit to Leiden, the representatives from the Chinese university visited the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the new Asian Library.
Shanghai International Studies University

On Monday 21 November the Chairman of the University Council of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Feng Jiang, presented Vice-Rector Hester Bijl with a special memorial plaque for strategic partners. SISU and Leiden University have been close partners for some time. The university has already signed two memoranda with Leiden faculties. SISU's visit to Leiden included the Faculty of Law and the African Studies Centre. The Chinese university has strong research institutes for international studies, including the Middle East, Asia and Africa. It also has a Dutch language programme.
Strengthening collaboration with China
On 11 October Leiden University launched the Programme for Collaboration with China. The programme focuses on long-term cooperation with Chinese partner universities in the fields in which Leiden and Chinese partners excel, with a view to making a contribution to strengthening research and teaching in Leiden and China. Earlier this year Leiden University further intensified the collaboration with Tsinghua University in Beijing.