Interaction in Action – ILS 2.0 kicked off!
On Wednesday 26 October the kick-off event of the research profile area ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0’ (ILS) took place. Speakers explained their understanding of the concept of ILS and the activities and opportunities of ILS 2.0 for the faculty were set out

Vice Dean Professor Larissa van den Herik referred to ILS 2.0 as ‘a term that sounds perhaps as if it comes straight from your phone's App store, promising a new release or software update’. In this respect she talked about the success of ILS 1.0 and the ILS PhDs who are currently reaping the rewards of that phase. ILS 1.0 closed with a major law school wide conference in January 2015. The ‘update’ of ILS 2.0 is about interaction in action. It aims to help researchers from these very different legal systems meet, act together and most importantly: learn from each other.

Dr. Seline Trevisanut, Associate Professor of International Law at Utrecht University School of Law, gave an overview of her experience with the concept of ILS in her speech ‘Interactions of regimes and interests in international law’. She stressed that others have studied the concept of ILS before: political scientists, sociologists of law and international relationists. One of the main questions to answer for everyone working on ILS is what their understanding is of a regime? Or your understanding of a system? Dr. Trevisanut warned her audience about communication problems as each discipline appears to have its own understanding of these concepts.

From Leiden Law School, Professor Maartje van der Woude was keen to pass on her personal enthusiasm for ILS 2.0 to her listeners in her speech ‘Interaction between Legal Systems – Interaction between Law & Society’. She emphasised that legal research is already empirical. However, one should remember that empirical research includes qualitative and quantitative research methods. ILS 2.0 should not shy away from empirical research. Professor Van der Woude concluded therefore with a proposal for setting up an ‘ILS methods portal’.
After these inspirational words on the concept of ILS, the three research projects were briefly presented by Iris van Ooijen (Data use), Dr. Olaf van Vliet (SOLID) and Dr. Jorrit Rijpma (Policing the high seas).
ILS activities and opportunities
ILS 2.0 aims to be visible throughout the whole faculty as emphasised by Dr. Olaf van Vliet, one of the ILS directors. To achieve this several activities will be organised. In addition, Van Vliet explained that ILS activities are open to be organized by all members of Leiden Law School. It may be possible that ILS can provide organizational and/or financial support.
- ILS Lecture Series
- e.g: Leiden Socio-Legal Series
- ILS lunch seminars, First: November 28, 11.30-12.30, KOG B032
speakers: Prof. Ymre Schuurmans, Prof. Peter Rodrigues, Dr. Bastiaan Rijpkema
- ILS-related activities (workshops, seminars, etc)
- Seed-money (more information to follow)
- Blog (additional tag: Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0)
- Publications in LUCRIS (additional tag: ILS 2.0, to be realised)
Contact a.s.huisman@law.leidenuniv.nl for:
- questions on ILS 2.0
- sign up for an upcoming ILS lunch seminar
- applications for support for ILS-related activities
Visit our website for news and events on ILS 2.0!