Bakhtiyar Babadjanov will be Leiden Erasmus Fellow in November-December 2016
Dr. Bakhtiyar Babadjanov is the first Erasmus Fellow within the Erasmus Mobility Plus Project between Leiden University and the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, in particular the Al-Biruni Centre of Oriental Manuscripts. The two-year project (2016-2018) envisages exchange of teaching staff between the two universities. Dr. Babadjanov will deliver two lectures and a masterclass.

Bakhtiyar M. Babadjanov
Dr. Babadjanov is a head researcher at the Al-Biruni Centre of Oriental Manuscripts under the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. Until 1998 he was the chair of the Islamic Studies department at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Between 1998-1999 Dr. Babadjanov was a researcher at the “Institute du Monde Iraniene”, CNRS, Paris. His book Les inscription persanes de Chār Bakr, necropole familiale des khwāja Jūybary près de Boukhara, London: Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, 2002 (Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, vol. XXXI) was distinguished with the Hiroyama FoundationAward. He has participated in several renowned international projects, among others “Islamic Area Studies”, coordinated by Prof. Hisao Komatsu, Tokyo University, 1999 - 2002; “Zerrspiegel” (“Looking at colonizers”), coordinated by Prof. Juergen Paul, University of Halle, 2002 – 2003 and most recently "Seeing like an Archive" Documents and Forms of Governance in Islamic Central Asia (18th-19th Centuries), principal investigator Dr. Paolo Sartori, hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Lecture courses “Islam and the contemporary world” at: Turkey-Kazak University (2002-2004); Tashkent Islamic University (TIU; 2002-2006);
Courses “Sociology of Islam” at TIU (2002 – to the present);
Courses “Islamic leaders in the contemporary Uzbekistan and their works” at Carnegie Endowment (Washington DC, April-May 2006);
Courses “Islam in Central Asia” at Europe-Russia University (St. Petersburg, 2012-2014)
Most recent publications (since 2011)
“«Муджаддидийская реформация»: как исправить ислам и мусульман?” В: Россия – Средняя Азия. Политика и ислам в конце XVIII – начале XX вв. – Т. 2 – М.: URSS, 2011. С. С. 56-80. (Mujaddid Reformation ": how to fix Islam and Muslims?" In: Russia - Central Asia. Politics and Islam in the late XVIII - early XX centuries. Moscow, 2011. Vol. 2, P. 56-80.)
Masterpieces of Architectural Epigraphy in Uzbekistan. Tashkent: Sharq, 2011 (Editor; the author of Russian and English translations).
Российский генерал-конквистадор в русском Туркестане. Взлеты и падения М.Г.Черняева (Russian General conquistador in Russian Turkestan. Ups and downs of M.G.Chernyaev) // Turkestanskii sbornik: / CIAS Discussion Paper Series. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2012. P. 17-45.
Ранний эпиграфический материал комплекса Наринджан-Баба // Markaziy Osiyo Tariikhi zamonaviy medievistika talqinida. Tashkent, Yangi nashr, 2013. P. 346-357 (Early epigraphic material of the complex of Narindzhan Baba).
‘Abd al-Wahid Turkistani // The Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. 1. 3th edition. Brill, 2014, P. 11-13.
Andijan Uprising 1898 // The Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. 1. 3th edition. Brill, 2014, P. 234-239.
“The Economic and Religion History of a Kolkhoz Village: Khojawot from Soviet Modernization to the Aftermath of the Islamic Revival”. In: St. Douduanion and Kr. Noac “Allah’s Kolkhozes. Migration, De-Stalinization, Privatization and the New Muslim Congregations in the Soviet Realm (1950-2000s)”. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, Band 314). Berlin: Klaus W.S., 2014. P. 202-264.
“The ‘Enlighteners’ of Koni-zar: Islamic Reform in a Cotton Kolkhoz”. In: St. Douduanion and Kr. Noac “Allah’s Kolkhozes. Migration, De-Stalinization, Privatization and the New Muslim Congregations in the Soviet Realm (1950-2000s)”. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, Band 314). Berlin: Klaus W.S., 2014. P. 265-305 (with Sharifjon Islamov).
‘Ulama’-Orientalists: Madrasa Graduates at the Soviet Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent // In: Artemy Kalinovsky and Michael Kemper (ed.) Interlocking Orientologies in the Cold War Era. Edited by (London and New York: Routledge.
‘How will we appear in the eyes of inovertsy and inorodtsy?’ Nikolai Ostroumov on the image and function of Russian power in Turkestan // Central Asian Survey. New-York – London, 2014, Р. 44-59.
Архитектурная эпиграфика Хивы : культура , прокламация , идеология // Институт Иранских исследований Академии наук Австрийской республики: (Architectural epigraphy Khiva: Culture, proclamation, ideology // Institute of Iranian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Austria, 2015.
Исследования «Востока» и советский «ориентализм»: из истории Института востоковедения АН РУз // Историческая наука в контексте интеллектуального развития Центральной Азии. Очерки историографии и источниковедения. Ташкент: Yangi nashr (Ред. Д. Алимова, У. Абдурасулов), 2014, C. 40-55.
Russian Colonial Power in Central Asia as Seen by Local Muslim Intellectuals // B. Eschment, H. Harder (Eds). Looking at the Colonizer. Cross-Cultural Perceptions in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Bengal, and Related Areas. Berlin, 2014 (New ed.), P. 80-90.
Об исламе «хорошем» и исламе «плохом». Опыт персонального участия в религиозной экcпертизе (About “Good” and “Bad” Islam: from Personal Experience of Participation in Religious Expertise) // Alatoo Academic Studies. No 4, 2015. P. 34-47.
Туркестан в имперской политике России. Опыт издания и исследования документов. Москва, 2015 ( 986 стр.). Совместно с: С.Н. Абашин, Ф.М. Мухаметшин и др. (Turkestan in the imperial policy of Russia. Experience of creation and research papers. Together with: SN Abashin, FM Mukhametshin, and others).
‘Abd al-Wahid Turkistani // The Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. 1. 3th edition. Brill, 2014, P. 11-13.
Dahbidiyya”. – The Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. London – Boston-Brill. 2016. P. 59-66.
«Paradise at the Feet of Mothers and Women». Soviet and Postsoviet Discourses of the Emancipation Forms of Muslim Women // Islam and Gender in Central Asia. Soviet Modernization and Today’s Society. Ed. by Ch. Obiya. Kyoto: CIAS, Kyoto University, 2016. P. 19–40.
Islam in the Ferghana Valley // J. L. Esposito (ed. in chief)/ “The Oxford Encyclopedia of modern Islamic worlds”. New edition. New York, Oxford: Oxford Univ. press, 2016. P. 780-785.
Lecture Monday, 21 November: Monumental epigraphy of Transo
xiana in the Timurid period: poets, craftsmen and patrons
Bakhtiyar Babadjanov will look at the relationship between the Timurid monuments and their inscriptions. To what extent does the inscription reflect the function of the monument? Why are we finding eschatological verses simultaneously on mausoleums and palaces? In the case of the Timurids, especially ladies from the Timurid family who were buried in the Shah-i Zinda necropolis, that question is not accidental, since most (if not all) of these donors and patrons did not know Arabic or Persian and were representatives of the Genghisid family.
Time: 15.15-17.00 hrs
Venue: Leiden University, Lipsius Building, Room 235C, Leiden
The lecture is open to the public. All welcome.
Masterclass Monday, 28 November: Epigraphy of Khorezm. Arab,
Turkish and Persian texts
The masterclass will look at the epigraphy in the historic region of Khorezm. Arab, Turkish and Persian texts will be discussed. Students will be guided through the process of epigraphic analysis by looking at architectural, historiographical and historical sources. Dr. Babadjanov is one of the editors of a major recent publication dealing in particular with the Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan.
The masterclass is open to MA/MA research and PhD students.
Sheila S. Blair. 1998. Islamic Inscriptions, chapter 6: Inscriptions on Various Building Types, pp. 68-75 and chapter 7: Stylistic Development, pp. 76-93.
Sheila S. Blair. 2008. Islamic Calligraphy, chapter 7: The Six Pens under the Timurids and Turkomans, pp. 261-270.
Hillenbrand, Robert. 2012. "Islamic Monumental Inscriptions: Location, Content, Legibility and Aesthetics." In Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie, eds L.Korn et al., Wiesbaden.
Time: 10.00-13.00 hrs
Venue: Conference Room, Huizinga Building, Doelensteeg 16, Leiden
If you would like to attend, please contact Elena Paskaleva at: before 25 November 2016.
Lecture Wednesday, 30 November: The architectural landscape o
f the city of Khiva (Khorezm). From medieval town to the theatrical scenery of "Eastern cities"
Time: 9.15-11.00 hrs
Venue: Leiden University, Lipsius Building, Room 148, Reuvensplaats 1, 2311 BE Leiden
The lecture is open to the public. All welcome.