Pre-study Commission the Winter
The report of the Commission the Winter, a pre-study on violence against children in youth care, was launched May 17th 2016.
The commission advises the government to start an in-depth study on all forms of violence against children under state responsibility in youth care from 1945 until now as a follow-up of the report of the Commission Samson, that focused on sexual abuse of children under state responsibility in youth care. The commission the Winter concludes that an in-depth study is both feasible and necessary. Prof. Mariëlle Bruning participated as a member of the commission.
The legal sub-research that underlies the pre-study on violence in youth care has been prepared by Prof. Ton Liefaard, Prof. Jaap Doek and Apollonia Bolscher LL.M. The legal sub-study provides an overview of the legal framework regarding violence against children in the general and specific context of (eviction) placement of children under the responsibility of the state and its development since 1945 to present.