Former beadle Willem van Beelen has passed away
On 19 May we received the sad news of the sudden and unexpected death of Willem van Beelen, at the age of 64. He had been the University's beadle for 27 years before retiring on 29 February this year.
In his role as beadle Willem van Beelen was a figurehead for our university. He guided numerous important guests and assisted new professors and PhD candidates during academic ceremonies. He was the epitome of dignity and calm.
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker: 'We are enormously saddened and shocked by this dreadful news. We had only just become used to the idea that, after 27 years as our beadle, Willem was no longer to be seen every day in our Academy Building. After working so very hard for so long, we hoped that he would enjoy a long retirement. Our sympathies go out to his family and friends.'