50 years of ICCPR and ICESCR: impact, interplay and the way forward
What inspiration and impact have been generated by the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights? And how can their future role in human rights protection be further enhanced? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at a conference at Leiden University to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ICCPR and ICESCR.
Together with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the two covenants constitute the foundation of the global human rights system. Over the years, the supervisory bodies to the covenants, the Human Rights Committee (HRC) and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), have developed and fleshed out this role with much vigour. Professor Kees Flinterman, former member of the HRC and professor Nico Schrijver, current member of the CESCR, will deliver the key note speeches.

The conference is open to employees and students of Leiden University. Please register before 10 May.
Practical information
Date: Thursday 19 May, 12:15-17:30hrs
Venue: Lorentzzaal, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden
Preliminary programme
12:15-13:00 Reception with coffee, tea, and bread rolls
13:00-13:15 Welcome and introduction (Prof. Titia Loenen)
13:15-13:45 Prof. Kees Flinterman (former member of the HRC): ‘Freedom, Justice and Peace in the World: the Role of the two Committees (HRC and CESCR)’
13:45-14:00 Q&A
14:00-14:20 Carla Edelenbos (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights): ‘Reflections on 50 years ICCPR and ICESCR: a view from Geneva’
14:20-14:30 Q&A
14:30-15:15 Panel I (moderator: Dr. Ingrid Leijten)
- Dr. Jasper Krommendijk (Radboud University): ‘The (ir)relevance of the Human Rights Committee and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Western liberal democracies’
- Roeland Böcker (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) : ‘Geneva and Strasbourg, friend or foe? The interplay between the ICCPR/ICESCR and the ECHR’
15:15-15:45 Coffee/tea break
15:45-16:30 Panel II (moderator: Dr. Jan Peter Loof)
- Dr. Ineke Boerefijn (Netherlands Institute for Human Rights): ‘The role of the NIHR in putting ICCPR and ICESCR to practice in the Netherlands’
- Eduard Nazarski (Amnesty International the Netherlands): ‘The impact and inspiration of the ICCPR/ICESCR for the work of AI’
16:30-17:00 Prof. Nico Schrijver (member of the CESCR): ‘Putting Universality and Indivisibility into Practice. The need for a creative approach’
17:00-17:15 Q&A
17:15-17:30 Closing remarks (Prof. Titia Loenen)
17:30-18:30 Drinks