Wessel Kraaij appointed Professor of Applied Data Analytics
Wessel Kraaij has been appointed Professor of Applied Data Analytics with effect from 1 March 2016. Kraaij will use new methods to analyse big data sets. He intends to use data from various data-intensive research fields to test these methods in practice.

Kraaij has been appointed to the Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS). The chair was established by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). Kraaij already works at TNO, and in his new role at LCDS he will establish a partnership between Leiden University and TNO in the field of Data Science.
About Data Science
Data Science focuses on acquiring knowledge from large quantities of structured and unstructured data. Digitisation has radically changed traditional methods of work and communication, and processes in industry and society are becoming datafied. Automated methods are used to translate large quantities of (often real-time) data into data analytics. Data analytics increasingly leads to innovation in academia, business, government and public organisations. This could entail improved diagnoses or personalised health advice, or a predictive model to optimise logistical or industrial processes.
Research experience
Kraaij also works as Principal Scientist in data analytics at TNO and since 2008 has been Professor of Information Filtering and Aggregation at Radboud University Nijmegen. He is lead scientist of the TNO Early Research Programme ‘Making Sense of Big Data’, project leader of COMMIT/SWELL, a national ICT research project in the field of quantified-self data analytics for stress interventions. In addition, he has been scientific coordinator of the global NIST TRECVID benchmark in video analytics since 2003.
About LCDS
LCDS is a network of researchers from different academic disciplines who use innovative methods to analyse, interpret and visualise big data files. The aim is to encourage collaboration between researchers from different disciplines and to develop new solutions to problems in academia and society.