Cor Veenman (NFI) researcher Forensic Big Data Science at LIACS
On December 4th an agreement was signed between the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). Cor Veenman (NFI) will perform research in the field of Forensic Big Data Science at LIACS.
There are many sources of Big Data: from confiscated computers, phones and hard drives to information systems of governmental organisations. From all this data important information may be extracted, which can be used in forensic investigation. This involves using methods from machine learning, natural language processing, social network analysis and statistics. Another important aspect of Forensic Big Data Science is the evaluation of results, including bias control and strict validation of methods.
Cor Veenman will be working on this at LIACS for two days a week. He will focus on the forensic aspects of Data Science and will work on the development of new methods for the application of Big Data in forensic investigation. Furthermore, he will teach master students in Data Science programmes.
Photo (clockwise from top left): Daniel Palomo van Es (NFI) Cor Veenman (NFI/LIACS), Petula Huising (NFI), Joost Kok (LIACS).