Universiteit Leiden

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Uzbek Ambassador Vladimir Norov visits Leiden University

The Uzbek Ambassador Mr. Vladimir Norov visited Leiden University on 17 April. Mr. Norov met with the rector magnificus Professor Carel Stolker and attended the exhibition "Historical and cultural links between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Timurids" at the Lipsius Building.

The Uzbek Ambassador Mr. Vladimir Norov visited Leiden University on 17 April. Mr. Norov met with the rector magnificus Professor Carel Stolker and attended the exhibition "Historical and cultural links between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Timurids" at the Lipsius Building.

Ambassador Vladimir Norov and Professor Carel Stolker

This is the first visit of Ambassador Norov to Leiden. He has been appointed officially Ambassador to the Netherlands in March 2014.

The Uzbek Benelux Embassy is situated in Brussels. Mr. Norov was accompanied by the First Secretary of the Uzbek Embassy Mr. Aybek Shakhavdinov.

Ambassador Vladimir Norov presented a traditional Uzbek plate to Professor Carel Stolker. The arts and crafts of Uzbekistan have enjoyed a well-earned fame for centuries.

Exhibition "Historical and cultural links between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Timurids"

The exhibition "Historical and cultural links between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Timurids" came to Leiden after being first at the European Parliament in Brussels. The exhibition covers the cultural relations between Central Asia and Europe from Alexander the Great until Amir Timur (15th century).

Exhibition "Historical and cultural links between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Timurids"

Lipsius Building
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden


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