Archeologists involved in drilling the East African Rift System
NWO-ALW has funded the project Climate impact on human evolution: age calibration of the ICDP Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP), led by PIs Cor Langereis and Guillaume Dupont-Nivet (Utrecht University).
Mark Sier has been contracted as post-doctoral reasearcher for three years, to carry out paleomagnetic dating analyses on the cores drilled at important fossil hominin sites in the Afar Basin (NA; Ethiopia), Baringo Basin (TH) and Turkana Basin (WT; Kenya).

Josephine Joordens is part of the project’s research group.
Drilling is ongoing in the Baringo Basin and will start end of June in the Turkana Basin. These exciting activities can be followed on the project website and Facebook.