Five project grants awarded to Leiden Law School researchers
Each year the LUF Committee for Academic Expenditure awards grants to research and education projects. These grants for academic talent are often an important step towards grants from NWO and other institutions.
Funds come from the LUF Named Funds and from LUF’s cooperation with various foundations.
This year two grants from the Gratama Stichting/LUF, which support in particular projects with a clear social relevance, were awarded to Leiden Law School researchers:
- Dr Joni Reef, Gezinsgerichte strafoplegging in Nederland, €24,000
- Dr Elina van 't Zand-Kurtovic, Wie krijgt een VOG? Determinanten van antecedentenscreening, €8,500
The Kroese-Duijsters Fund for special research or education projects will provide grants to three law research projects:
- Dr Vestert Borger, On the Authority of the European Judge, €1,983
- Dr Katrien F.M. Klep, Kinderrechten op decentraal niveau: access to (social) justice in het jeugddomein op gemeentelijk niveau, €7,051
- Esther Kentin LLM, Regulating plastic pollution: basic principles from a scientist’s perspective - ‘Science rules on plastic’, €24,750
1.6 million
At its meeting in March 2019 the LUF Committee for Academic Expenditure discussed eighty applications. A total amount of € 1.6 million was applied for, while available funds amounted to €703,450.
Considering the available funds, and for some of the applications the review of external foundations, a total of 33 applications from Leiden University were awarded (41%) for a total of €591,938, while 47 projects could not be approved.