Tax Law
EU Tax Governance (EUTAXGOV)
The EUTAXGOV Chair will address the EU Standard of Tax Good Governance.

The Chair Holder is Prof. dr. Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama. She is also the principal investigator of the GLOBTAXGOV project funded by the European Research Council (Grant Agreement 758671)
Project Summary
The EU Standard of Tax Good Governance has been introduced in 2008 by the ECOFIN Council with a view to tackle tax fraud and evasion by companies and individuals and as a pre-condition for third (non-EU) countries that receive EU development aid, and concluded agreements with the EU.
The objectives of this Chair are (i) to enhance knowledge and understanding of the use of this Standard by students and to (ii) to raise awareness and to create a dialogue of the use of this Standard between academia, civil society, governments, and policy makers at EU level and at domestic (country) level including third (non-EU) countries.
This Chair will (i) give courses at Bachelor, Master level and online (MOOC) courses to students with different backgrounds (law, governance, international relations and development),(ii) publish 2 working papers and 1 edited book on the content of the Standard,(iii) set up a blog EUTAXGOV,(iv) organize several activities (workshops, seminars, public awareness meetings) with students, lecturers and PhDs, and stakeholders involved in the implementation of this Standard.
This Chair is in line with the priorities of this call, in particular, ‘The participation in democratic life’ by engaging the participation of students, early and experienced lecturers and researchers, business, governments, EU policy makers in EU processes and in line with the priorities of the EU, in particular ‘A stronger Europe in the world’ including the enhancement of “responsible global leadership’ and “A economy that works for people’ including ‘achievement of fair taxation’.
This Chair also contributes to one of the objectives of the Jean Monnet Action namely fostering a dialogue between the academic world and society by creating awareness by students of the challenges the EU institutions (Parliament, Commission, the Platform of Tax Good Governance) face in promoting the EU values and principles such as tax good governance.