Empirical Legal Studies
Unsafe products in e-commerce
European product safety law is one of the focal points of internal market legislation.
The main goal of European product safety law is the prevention of harm from occurring. Product safety law’s market surveillance and enforcement is left to the member states. The obligations for economic operators therein are seen as being of a more public law nature (opposed to private law). The private law counterpart of product safety law is the Product Liability Directive (85/374/EEG). Compensation under this internal market instrument is presumed not only to have a restorative function, but also to have some deterrent effects. The remedy under the Product Liability Directive is limited to liability for consequential loss to property and physical harm. The requirements for other private law remedies with regard to other types of damages and other tortfeasors are not harmonized and left to the member states. Until now it is unclear how effective the current legal framework is in the prevention of damage by combatting illegal product and to prevent damage from occurring. Because of e-commerce, traditional chains of trade are changing and new economic operators are entering the scene. These changes highlight deficiencies in het current legal framework and raise the question which (legal) interventions are most appropriate, effective and efficient to combat unsafe products.
This line of research builds upon Gitta’s earlier doctrinal research regarding the interaction between European Product Safety Law and standards under private law. It aims to contribute in answering the overarching question of the effects of private law in the prevention of harms from occurring, with a focus on unsafe products. Both B2B- and B2C-relationships are included. What are the driving forces within organizations and companies in the chain that influence the decision of placing an unsafe product on the market or withdrawing, or of recalling a product that has already been placed on the market and turns out to present a risk? And which role does the consumer himself play? Which factors influence his online purchase decisions?
This interdisciplinary, empirical research uses the insights from law and economics and behavioural sciences and is performed in collaboration with social scientists. It aims at testing some of the assumptions that underly legislation and legal decision making, which hopefully contributes to a better assessment of (legal) interventions to reach desired effects and more evidence based private law.
- Veldt G.M. (2023), Empirische fundamenten van het personele toepassingsbereik van het productaansprakelijkheidsvoorstel in relatie tot e-commerce, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2023(9): 375-387 (NTBR 2023/41).
- Veldt G.M. & Verbruggen P.W.J. (2023), Themanummer ‘de richtlijn productaansprakelijkheid Revisited’: een inleiding, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2023(9): 349-355 (NTBR 2023/38).
- Veldt G.M. (2023), The new product liability proposal – fit for the digital age or in need of shaping up?: an analysis of the draft product liability directive, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 12(1): 24-31.
- Veldt G.M. & Graaf T.J. de (2022), De ontvangst van nieuwigheden bij het gebruik van ongeschikte hulpzaken. In: Castermans A.G., IJsebrands M., Krans H.B. & Rijen M. van (red.) Parels aan de kroon. Het bouw- en aanbestedingsrecht en het familievermogensrecht op de bogen van het 30-jarige BW. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 219-227.
- Graaf T.J. de & Veldt G.M. (2022), The AI Act and its impact on product safety, contracts and liability, European Review of Private Law 30(5): 803-833.
- Graaf T.J. de & Veldt G.M. (2021), Productveiligheid en aansprakelijkheid voor AI, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(43): 3534-3544 (NJB 2021/3173).
- Veldt G.M. (2021), Proefschrift: drie stellingen - Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling, WPNR: Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 2021(7331): 518-521.
- Veldt G.M. (2020), De betekenis van Europese productnormen voor privaatrechtelijke normstelling, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 2020(1): 30-45.'
- Nuninga W.T. & Veldt G.M. (2020), Normstelling voor deelverantwoordelijkheid in het ongeschreven recht. In: Breedveld-de Voogd C.G., Castermans A.G., Krans H.B. & Wissink A. (red.), Sluitertijd – Reflecties op het werk van Jaap Hijma. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 109-121.
- Veldt G.M. & Boom W.H. van (2020), Country report of the Netherlands. In: Alleweldt F. & Kara S. (red.), Study for the preparation of an Implementation Report of the General Product Safety Directive. Final report, part 2: Country reports. Brussels: European Commission. 232-251.
- Veldt G.M. (2020), Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling. Recht en Praktijk – Contracten- en aansprakelijkheidsrecht nr. 22. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.